Technical Commission for Competition Climbing

TCCC stands for "technical commission for competition climbing" and is an advisory entity without decisive power for the CMBel in all matters concerning climbing competitions in Belgium, with an actual focus on the official competitions on national level. With a representation of athletes, judges, routesetters, trainers and regional federations (CAB/KBF) and CMBel, the national federation, inside the commission it intends to develop competition climbing including all points of view and tries to anticipate all future development and needs.

Recurrent discussion topics are : rules, formats, nominations, educational programs for officials, interaction with gyms, calendar, follow through from local and provincial over regional to national and international level,...

All questions, remarks and inputs are welcome and can be sent to

Occasional invited guests can make the commissions' work more fruitful. 



Repr. Board CMBEL & Chair of TCCC

Repr. National Judges

Repr. National Judges

Repr. National Routesetters

Repr. National Routesetters

Repr. Coaches/Trainers

Repr. Athletes


Responsible National Comp. CAB

Responsible National Comp. KBF

TD Sport Climbing CAB

TD Sport Climbing KBF


Michaël Timmermans

Dave Suetens

Steven Vermeeren

Nataleigh bell

Rob Denayer

Christophe Depotter

Nicolas Collin


Jean Dorsimond

Nelis Caubergs

Tijl Smitz

Robby Tóth


June 2026

June 2026

June 2026

June 2026

June 2026

June 2026

June 2026

Internal Rules NL | FR