National competitions


Official IFSC - Rules

The CMBEL rules are an add-on to the official IFSC rules. All rules written in the official IFSC documents apply unless otherwise noted in the CMBEL rules.


Official CMBel-Rules NL | FR  - Rules changes 2025  -  Updated 2025

List of approved formats NL | FR



Competition Questionaire


To collect more data about the national competitions, learn from it and adapt where possible, a competitions questionaire is implemented.
Everyone who plays a role in competitions in any way is asked/allowed to fill this out. Your name is asked but no email address is required. The questionaire can be found h


Info and Rules for Registrations to Official Competitions


CMBEL uses a competition database website (WAS) to record all official competitions.

The same website is used for the registrations.

WAS enables anyone to register to a competition based on the gender and age.

WAS compiles all the CMBEL competition results which are accessible for anyone to consult.


The link to the WAS site is accessible via the CMBEL site.

The CAB and KBF websites have a link to the National Competitions of the CMBEL site.

All the official competitions are listed as well as some local/regional competitions (for info).


To participate in any Official Competition, it is necessary to :


  •  Create a WAS Log-In Profile. Please add as many details as possible in your Profile.
  • Link your profile to a competition team listed in the team’s list
  • Note your Federation’s name and your federation’s number.
  • Register you to the competition you want to participate. Based on your gender and age, you will be able to register. 



Please note that it is compulsory to be member of an official Climbing Federation (CAB, KBF, other country’s official climbing federation) to participate in any Official Competition. 

You must be in possession of you federation card proving your membership and must be able to show your membership card at anytime during an Official Competition if asked by an Official Federation responsible person (usually Nelis Caubergs or Jean Dorsimond).

Failing from being membership of a federation will automatically remove you from the participants of the competition.


  • The on-line payment is compulsory to participate.
  • It is the responsibility of the athlete/coach to ensure a successful registration and online payment within the determined subscription period which closes at midnight on the Sunday 2 weeks before the competition day.
  • Late subscriptions with a higher payment are possible up to 10 days before the competition day.
  • All team coach will also need to register in the WAS under "Accompagnateurs/Begeleiders. 
  • No reimbursement will be done unless a doctor certificate is sent prior to the competition day or the day of the competition. 


For info or problems with Registrations:

KBF: Nelis Caubergs (

CAB: Jean Dorsimond (